Advanced Communication Skills Course


The London Deanery wanted an Advanced Communication Skills Course to be designed for Speciality and Associated Speciality Grade (SASG) doctors looking for career progression to Consultant level. 

Project Goal

Our goal is to facilitate the continuing professional development of 80 SASG doctors in a way most appropriate to their individual needs.


PRP used our unique medical background to design a Consultant level bespoke programme for the Deanery.

Our Advanced Communications Skills Course focused on challenging the performance of SASG doctors, including:

  • Appraisals
  • Leadership Management
  • Team Building
  • Communication Skills- what they are and why they are important
  • Body Language
  • Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Breaking Bad News- patients, parents and relatives
  • Active Listening
  • Presentation Skills


In order to improve and consolidate learning, PRP incorporated training through media into this course by recording all interactions. Quality feedback was given after each viewing, which had an immediate effect and application on the participants.


Our experienced trainer and role players highlighted very sensitive areas of communication including language, cultural issues, conflict issues and workplace experiences, by creating authentic situations designed specifically for this course.

Every participant was able to take their recordings home, allowing them to review their performances and the differences between performances at the start and end of the day, where they applied their newly acquired skills.